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인공지능을 이용한 12리드 심전도 분석 서비스 - 주식회사 알피
분당 응급의학과 김중희
Technology Field
- National Science and Technology Standard Classification : 지능형 판독시스템
- Classification of Industrial Technologies : 지능형 판독시스템
- Classification of Bio-Industry : 기타 바이오의료기기
Company Introduction & Technical Name
About us
ARPI Inc. is an artificial intelligence medical device startup company established on July 1, 2021. Our vision is to provide Accurate, Robust, Practical, and Innovative artificial intelligence medical service.
Our ECG Buddy is one of the AI software to provide a 12-lead ECG analysis service and now is expanding into new areas.
Name of the technology: ECG Buddy
ECG Buddy is an ECG analysis artificial intelligence medical device that is analyzing 12-lead ECG to provide analysis and reads.
Including electrocardiogram electrical signal, ECG Buddy supports analyzing output in the form of an image, so it can be used in the field immediately with a smartphone.
Mobile and PC version prototype has been developed, with KGMP certification, and clinical trials are in progress.